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Environmental Safety Evaluation of Coal Ash Mixed Material - Elucidation of Leaching Characterization Depending on Grain Size -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

背 景
石炭灰にセメント等を添加した石炭灰混合材料の人工地盤材料への活用には、微量元素の溶出等の環境安全品質注1)の評価が必要となっている。現状、評価には土壌用の環境庁告示46号試験(以下、46号試験)やスラグ類用のJIS K0058-1 5.試験(以下、JIS試験)が準用されているが、様々な姿形で使用される石炭灰混合材料に対して、これらの試験条件による溶出特性は明らかになっていない。
目 的
灰種の異なる4種類の石炭灰混合材料を作製し、それぞれ粒径を5段階(2~16 mm破砕材、φ50×100 mm成型体)に調整した後、接触時間を規定の6 hから1~48 hへと変更した46号試験とJIS試験を実施した。さらに、試料内部からの拡散の影響を把握するため、φ50×100 mm成型体に対しタンク試験注2)を実施した(図1)。
1. 粒径に依存した溶出特性の把握
46号試験とJIS試験は撹拌条件が異なるが、粒径2 mm以下の試料では、溶出濃度に大きな差異が認められず、また接触時間48 hで概ね濃度変化が安定した。粒径4.75 mm以下の試料では、接触時間が6hと48 hの試験における濃度差が±20%に収まった。(図2)。一方、試料の粒径が4.75 mmより大きくなると、溶出濃度は低くなり、いくつかの試料では接触時間48 hを経ても溶出濃度の増加傾向が確認された。以上、粒径が4.75 mmを超える試料の評価では、より長期的な溶出特性把握の必要性が示唆された。なお、いずれの元素の溶出濃度も溶出基準値以下で推移した注3)。
2. 大径試料の拡散溶出特性の把握と溶出量の予測

概要 (英文)

The evaluation of environmentally sound quality such as leaching of trace elements is required to utilize coal ash mixed materials (CAMM) as artificial geomaterials. In the present circumstances, environment agency notification No. 46 test (JLT46 test) and Japanese industrial standards K 0058-1 .5 test (JIS test) developed for evaluation of soil and slug have been applied to evaluate environmentally sound quality of CAMM. However, the leaching characterization of trace elements have not been investigated when these tests apply to CAMM with various appearance forms. The aim of this study was to elucidate the leaching characterization of trace elements depending on grain size of CAMM on the basis of JLT46 and JIS tests. In this study, four types CAMM composed of different coal fly ash were prepared, adjusted to five grain sizes, respectively. JLT46 and JIS tests, which changed the 6 h of regulated contact time to 1–48 h contact times, were carried for these CAMM. In addition, tank test was carried for dia. 50 * hgt. 100 mm molded CAMM to elucidate effect of diffusion controlled leaching from sample inside. The leached concentration of CAMM with 2 mm under grain size evaluated by JLT 46 and JIS test were no difference within different contact condition, were mostly steady after 48 h contact times. At CAMM with 4.75 mm under grain size, the leached concentration of F and B evaluated by JLT46 and JIS tests after 6 h contact times were ranged plus or minus 20 % of the concentration of JLT46 test after 48 h contact times. In contrast, at the JIS test of CAMM with 4.75 mm over grain size, leached concentration of F and B were lower than that of 4.75 mm under grain size, demonstrated an upward trend after 48 h contact times. These results suggested that the investigation of long term leaching characterization of CAMM with 4.75 mm over grain size is required. Furthermore, in all tests, F, B and As were detected, however, these concentration were lower than leaching standard referred from the guideline. At the tank test of molded CAMM, the effect of diffusion controlled leaching was dominant. The observed value of cumulative leached amount were similar or generally lower than calculated value of cumulative leached amount estimated by effective diffusion coefficient from the tank test, suggesting that the diffusion simulation would be a safety side evaluation of the leaching characterization of molded CAMM.







小川 翔平

環境科学研究所 環境化学領域

井野場 誠治

環境科学研究所 環境化学領域


石炭灰 Coal Ash
石炭灰混合材料 Coal Ash mixed material
環境安全性評価 Environmental safety evaluation
溶出 Leaching
微量元素 Trace elements
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry