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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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New method of synthesizing spherical composite particles of aluminum nitride by transferred type arc plasma

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

電力機器のコンパクト化に伴い,電気絶縁材料に放熱性が要求されている。この絶縁材料を開発するためには,高熱伝導セラミックスの窒化アルミニウム(AlN)粒子をエポキシ樹脂に高充填する必要がある。このためには,球状のミクロンオーダーの粒子の表面に100nm以下の超微粒子が付着した複合粒子を利用することが考えられるが,より簡易な合成プロセスの開発が望まれている。また,その合成プロセスでは,複合粒子の形状,ミクロンオーダーの粒子と超微粒子との体積比および粒径比などの粒子寸法条件を制御する必要がある。今回,超微粒子の大量合成が期待できる移行形アークプラズマに原材料AlN破砕粒子を注入することにより,当該複合粒子を一つのプロセスで合成することに成功した。また,円形度が0.75程度の原材料粒子をプラズマ中に2ms以上滞留させることにより,その円形度を0.9程度まで向上でき,ほぼ円形の粒子が得られることが判明した。さらに,プラズマ中の原材料粒子の滞留時間を2~5ms,反応・急冷ガス流量を5~20 L/minと変化させることにより,母粒子と超微粒子の体積比を8:2~5:5,粒径比を30:1~250:1程度まで制御できた。

概要 (英文)

Downsizing of electrical equipment has meant that such equipment now requires a high thermal conductivity. To develop polymer insulating materials with high thermal conductivity, it is necessary to add large quantities of ceramic particle with high thermal conductivity, e. g. aluminum nitride (AlN), to organic insulating materials. Using composite particles consisting of nano-particles dispersed on the surface of spherical micro-particles is considered a good way of achieving a high ceramic particle content. However, simple method for synthesizing the composite particles needs to be developed. On the other hand, in order to synthesize the insulating materials, it is necessary to clarify the optimal composite particle conditions, that is, the shape of synthesized particles and diameter ratio of micro-particle to nano-particle. Transferred type arc plasma has the advantage of making it easy to upgrade plasma power, and therefore has the potential to reduce production costs. This report describes the synthesis of the AlN composite particles using transferred type arc plasma. The raw particles (crushed AlN particles, below 25 μm) were injected into the arc plasma (plasma gas: nitrogen). A reacting/quenching gas (ammonia) was blown downstream of the arc plasma. Traveling time of the raw particles in the arc plasma and flow rate of the reacting/quenching gas were changed. The degree of circularity of raw particles was 0.75 and that of synthesized particles increased to approximately 0.9 when the traveling time of raw particles in the arc plasma increased more than 2 ms. The shape of the synthesized particle with degree of circularity 0.9 was nearly circular (spherical). The volume fraction of micro-particle in synthesized particle changed from 80% to 50% and the diameter ratio of the micro-particle to the nano-particle changed from 30 to 250 by varying the traveling time of raw particle in the arc plasma from 2 ms to 5 ms and the flow rate of reacting/quenching gas from 5 liters/min to 20 liters/min.







岩田 幹正


古川 静枝


天川 正士


足立 和郎



移行形アークプラズマ Transferred type arc plasma
窒化アルミニウム Aluminum nitride
複合粒子 Composite particles
球状ミクロ粒子 Spherical micro-particle
分散超微粒子 Dispersed nano-particle
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry