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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of Gas Turbine Combustor for the Gasified Fuels

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Development of the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power generation of various gasifying methods has been preceded in the world for near future thermal power plant.The gasified fuel is chiefly characterized by the gasifying agent and the synthetic gas clean-up method, and divided roughly into four types. That is, the calorific value of gasified fuel differs according to the type of gasification agent used in the gasifier. If the gasification agent is air, then gasified fuel forms a low calorific fuel of 4MJ/m3, which is about one-tenth of LNG. The flame temperature is low because gasified fuel contains about 70 percent nitrogen different from LNG, and it is necessary to stabilize the flame of low calorific fuel. On the other hand, if the agent is oxygen, then the gasified fuel becomes a medium calorific fuel between approximately 9-13 MJ/m3, the flame temperature is higher than that of LNG, and so NOx production from nitrogen fixation in air is expected to increase. It is necessary to control the thermal NOx emissions. Moreover, to improve the thermal efficiency of IGCC, it is necessary to use a hot/dry type synthetic gas clean-up system, but ammonia (NH3) originated from nitrogenous compounds in coal in the gasifier is not removed. This NH3 is then fed into the gas turbine where it forms fuel-NOx in the combustion process. For these reasons, the combustion technology for each gasified fuel and the ammonia removal technique from gasified coal fuels are important. In this paper, I clarified the combustion characteristic of these four types of gasified fuels through experiments using a small diffusion burner and through numerical analysis based on reaction kinetics. I propose the low-NOx combustion technology for each gasified fuel, design the gas turbine combustors, and verified the combustor performances by the combustion tests using the simulated gasified fuels. Also, aimed at the more efficient and environmentally sound options in IGCC with the hot/dry type synthetic gas clean-up, I propose an ammonia removal technique from gasified coal fuel in a dry method and verify the effects through experiments using a tubular flow reactor and reaction kinetic analyses. The method was effective in decreasing total fixed nitrogen that remains in the fuel without being removed by up to 40%.







佐藤 幹夫


長谷川 武治


久松 暢


二宮 徹


阿部 俊夫


山田 正彦

(株)東芝 電力・産業システム技術開発センター

小野田 昭博

(株)東芝 電力・産業システム技術開発センター

小泉 浩美

(株)日立製作所 電力・電機開発本部

林 明典

(株)日立製作所 電力・電機開発本部

萬代 重実

三菱重工業(株) 技術本部 高砂研究所

稲田 満

三菱重工業(株) 技術本部 高砂研究所


ガス化複合発電 Gasification Combined Cycle
ガスタービン燃焼器 Gas Turbine Combustor
中カロリー燃料 Medium BTU Gasified Fuel
低カロリー燃料 Low BTU Gasified Fuel
低NOx燃焼 Low NOx Combustion
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry