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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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21世紀初頭の財政政策の方向性を探る --政策シミュレーション分析を通して--


Japanese Fiscal Policy and Economic Performance in the Early 21st Century- Empirical Results of the Policy Simulation -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Japanese public finance situation is the worst at present among the advanced countries. In this paper, we present an outlook of the Japanese pubic finance until the year 2025 by using a long-term economic forecasting system, and examine the possibility of the financial failure, the effect of the fiscal policy, and so on. The results of outlook and analysis are as follows;(1) The annual GDP growth rate in 2000-2025 will be 3.0% in nominal base and 1.5% in real base. In general government total, there is no fear of the financial failure because of the improvement of the budget deficit. But, the situation is drastically different in the sub-sectors of general government. As for the central government, the budget deficit of 30-40 trillion yen per year will continue because of increasing expenditure related to the social security due to the accelerating aging. (2) Therefore, as for the outstanding government bond, current 370 trillion yen will exceed 1,000 trillion yen in 2025, and the ratio to GDP reaches twofold. (3) We made three policy simulation experiments to examine the scenario of the financial failure avoidance; Case of the reduction of the public investment, case of the raising of the consumption tax rate, and case of the raising of consumption tax rate with expansion of private demand. It is difficult to escape financial failure by only the spending cut policy in the age when low growth continues by the arrival of the serious aged society. A radical economic structure reform, a financial, social security reform and the creation of the new industry should be carried out as soon as possible.







服部 恒明


星野 優子



長期経済展望 Long-term Economic Outlook
日本経済 Japanese Economy
高齢化社会 Aging Society
財政破たん Financial Failure
消費税 Consumption Tax
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry