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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




Hollowing Out Process in Regional Economy: an Interregional Inpout-Ouput Analysis


Hollowing Out Process in Regional Economy: an Interregional Inpout-Ouput Analysis

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

An earlier analysis, Hewings et al. (1998) revealed the hollowing-out process, a decrease in the level of intraregional intermediation, in the Chicago economy during the period 1975-2010. The main force underlying this structural change has been the change in regional trade patterns in a way that interregional trade has replaced the local purchases of intermediated products. The decrease in local purchase causes the decrease in intraregional output multiplier and the increase in interregional export from other regions, so that the change is considered as a key factor affecting regional economic growth.Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) has been carrying out the project to analyze the interregional trade and the linkage among regional economies in collaboration with Regional Economics Application Laboratory, University of Illinois (REAL) since 1998. In the collaborative research works, we identified the decrease in intraregional intermediation and dispersion of interregional trade in Japan (Hitomi {\it et al.},2000) similar to the U.S. Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin) case. This report examines the structural changes in interregional economic activities for Japan and the U.S. regions. Our analysis shows that the hollowing-out processes of Japanese and the U.S. regional economy took place in the past decade. Specifically, we found that the linkage among central three regions (Kanto, Chubu, and Kinki) was the most important factor of the output inducement in Japanese economy. In other words, the production process in each regional economy has heavily depended on the economic activities of the central three regions. Furthermore, by applying the Spatial Feedback Analysis to the series of Japanese interregional input-output table (1980-1985-1990), we found that the dependency on these three regions slightly increased within the period, while the result of the analysis using U.S. table did not show such heavy concentration of interregional trade on a specific region. Although further investigation may be required to clarify the cause of different hollowing out pattern in two countries, the results of our analysis indicate that both the scale of economies and the spatial distribution of economic activities within the countries affect the proceeding of hollowing-out process.







人見 和美


Geoffrey Hewings

University of Illinois REAL

山野 紀彦


大河原 透



地域空洞化現象 Hollowing out process
地域間交易 Interregional Trade
地域産業連関分析 Regional Input-Output Analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry