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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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二酸化炭素排出権の市場取引 -実験アプローチによる分析-


Market Trading of CO2 Emission Allowances -Analysis Applied Experimental Approach-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Emissions trading scheme, which has already been introduced in the UK and Denmark, is now considered as a powerful instrument to give economic incentives for private companies to reduce greenhouse gasses. It helps companies and possibly countries, which have their own burden to reduce greenhouse gas emission, to meet their targets in a cost-efficient way. The first trans-national emissions trading scheme is going to be launched in 2005 by EU. The energy sector is supposed to play an important role to reduce nation-wide emission of CO2, so that it is covered by the EU scheme. Therefore, it is important for power companies to gain variable experience in this new instrument. CRIEPI has developed a software to simulate electronic trading scheme of both CO2 emission allowances and electric power, and conducted several trade experiments.Outcomes of the experiments show: i) Prices of both electricity and CO2 emission allowances in the markets are highly associated with each other; ii) Prices in the trading markets appreciate / depreciate rather than fluctuate. A steep rise / fall is observed in the last year of commitment periods; iii) Financial penalty, which is connected with market prices, may spur players with over-emission to buy allowances in the market and cause price escalation in the end of commitment period; iv) The market price gives a signal to players, who make decision of plant planning and operation according to their future price expectation. Time is not enough for players to modify their expectation during the experiments, so that an initial price in the market is quite important in a sense of dominating the result of each experiment; v) Uncertainty of the other players’ behavior is one of the factors that make our experiments difficult to accomplish the CO2 emission target.







若林 雅代



中国電力(株) エネルギア事業推進室

大河原 透



排出権取引 Emission Trading
電力取引 Electricity Trading
地球温暖化 Global Warming
実験経済学 Experimental Economics
電力経営 Management of Utility Firms
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry