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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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複数制度化する温暖化防止の国際枠組み -京都議定書、G8サミット、アジア太平洋パートナーシップの並存状況の分析-


Parallel Tracks for Global Climate Change Regime: Analysis on the Coexistence of UNFCCC/Kyoto, G8 and Asia Pacific Partnership

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation, and forecast the future, of the coexistence of multiple tracks for global climate change regime: UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol, G8 process and Asia Pacific Partnership (APP). The author analyzed this situation with "regime complex theory," one of the analytical perspectives of International Relations. The hypothesis asserts that multiple institutions for a common issue will lead to four consequences: "path dependence," "forum shopping," "legal consistency," "regime development through implementation." The current situation on multiple tracks for climate protection is well interpreted as "forum shopping" as shown in the development in 2005: U.K. and Canada tried to involve U.S. by taking opportunity to host the G8 summit meeting or the UNFCCC conference to which U.S. was a member, while U.S. built a like-minded coalition with five other countries and launched APP. Assuming that the theory is applicable to the future, the author presented one plausible development path of the multiple tracks as in the following: UNFCCC/Kyoto negotiation would not get out of a stalemate because of negative attitude of U.S. On the other hand, based on practical experiences, G8 and APP would develop "technology-based and sectoral approach" in a bottom-up manner ("regime development through implementation"). Then, some countries who attempt to engage U.S. back in UNFCCC/Kyoto track, would try to import the approach developed under G8 and APP to UNFCCC/Kyoto ("path dependence") or even integrate the former tracks to the latter ("legal consistency"). It would depend largely upon the choice of the next U.S. administration whether the integration would occur or the current parallel tracks would prevail.







上野 貴弘


杉山 大志



地球温暖化 Global Warming
将来枠組み Future Framework
京都議定書 Kyoto Protocol
G8サミット G8
アジア太平洋パートナーシップ Asia Pacific Partnership
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry