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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of the Asian biomass GIS database and Current issues of energy use

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The aims of this study are to construct a database of biomass resources and to clarify the regional distribution of biomass in Asian countries. We acquired the statistical data opened to the public from 21 Asian countries, and we tried to estimate the quantity of biomass resources in each administrative division divided as small as possible. As a result for the countries, which have large area and amount of biomass resources, we succeeded to estimate the quantity in each prefecture or each state. We made a digital map of administrative divisions by tracing map, and applied the biomass data of each administrative division, and constructed a GIS data base. By displaying the map of each administrative division, we enabled to understand the characteristic of regional distribution and the quantity of biomass resources for the countries. Also, based on reviewing documents and field surveys, we summarized the current issues associated with biomass energy use in China, India, and Thailand. In the rural area in China, biomass resources, such as straw, and charcoal, firewood, are used as heat source for cooking, furthermore it is thought that biomass use as an energy conversion methods to electric power will increase from now on. Therefore small-scale and low cost energy use technology and collecting systems of the currently dispersed biomass are urgently needed. Ordinary large-scale rice-cleaning mill factories of Thailand burn chaff as fuel for power generation and heat use. For this reason recent biomass demands are increasing to such extent that even competitions for chaff acquisition have arisen in some areas. In Asia countries like Thailand while economic development going on, population concentration to urban area aggravate waste problems. For the purpose of curtailment of waste and environmental preservation, the wasted biomass is necessary to be used as biomass fuel. In Asia still there are many areas for which detail estimation of biomass potential is difficult because of the lack of maintained data. At the next stage, we will develop the biomass potential evaluation technique using images from an artificial satellite (like Landsat) with high space decomposition capability.







井内 正直



バイオマス Biomass
アジア Asia
賦存量 Potential
地理情報システム Geographic Information System
データベース Database
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry