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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Prospects and Issues of Electricity Liberalization in Japan

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

・ 発電所や送電線の建設、さらにはベスト・ミックスの構築に際しては計画的・長期的観点を重視すべきである。
・ 発送電分離に関しては、系統への公平なアクセスの観点からだけでなく、短期・長期の経済的・技術的な観点から評価を行なう必要がある。とりわけ重要と考えられる発電と送電の投資の整合性は、垂直統合により確保しうる。
・ 全面自由化に関しては、種々のメリット・デメリット比較によるべきである。とりわけ重要なコストはリアルタイム・メータ設置のコストであり、便益はリアルタイム料金を利用することによるエネルギー・コストの削減であるが、小口需要家がリアルタイム料金に積極的に反応するとは考えにくい。
・ 電力取引制度としては、プール制、相対取引制いずれの取引制度が優れているか議論の決着はついていないが、わが国のように混雑の箇所が特定しやすく、かつその程度も大きくない場合には、相対取引制は十分機能しうる。

概要 (英文)

This paper investigates prospects and issues of electricity liberalization in Japan based on world-wide experiences and lessons in the liberalization of electricity markets.
Main findings are as follows:
1. We can not rely only on market mechanism when liberalizing electricity markets. Importance should be attached to the planning or long-term perspective for the construction of enough capacity in generation and transmission as well as best mix of generation sources.
2. Whether structural unbundling should be conducted or not depends on the evaluation of short- and long- term economical and technical merits and demerits. Especially, it is important to take into consideration of coordination of investment of generation and transmission which enables lower investment costs in total and securing reliability.
3. Whether full liberalization of retail markets should be introduced or not also depends on the evaluation of the costs and benefits. The important cost is the installing and maintaining real-time meter and the important benefit is the energy saving by responding to real-time prices provided by real-time meter. It is considered difficult for household customers to respond to real-time prices positively.
4. Concerning the wholesale trading system, PJM(Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection) often called model trading system in the US adopts a pool system in which substantial part of the electricity is traded in the spot market. On the other hand, in Japan as well as in Europe, most countries adopt bilateral trading system. Discussion is still going on which trading system is a superior one. However, in countries where congestions occur in some specific places in networks such as interconnection between electric power companies and are easy to forecast like in Japan, bilateral trading system can function without serious technical problems.
5. Energy policy has three dimensions: increase of efficiency in energy industries (liberalization policy); solving global warming problems (environment policy); securing energy security (energy security policy). When conducting liberalization policy, harmonization with the environment policy and energy security policy are required.







矢島 正之



電力自由化 electricity liberalization
全面自由化 liberalization of the retail market for household customers
垂直統合 vertical integration
日本 Japan
欧米 Europe and the US
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry