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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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時間変化を考慮した国内卸電力市場の取引構造分析 -カルマンフィルタ同時方程式モデルを用いた推定-


Estimation of Structural Changes in Trade Dynamics of Electricity Exchange using Kalman Filter

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

(1) システムプライス形成要因としては,オフ/オンピーク商品共買い手側の影響が売り手側よりも平均3~3.8倍強かった。
(2) 安定的な売り入札価格水準と対照的に,買い入札価格はその全体水準が顕著に変化し,これがシステムプライス変動の主因となった。
(3) オンピーク商品の買い入札曲線の価格弾性値は‘06年度末にかけてほぼ一貫して -2 ~ -3程度で,オフピークに比して弾性値が低いまま推移した。

概要 (英文)

In this paper we apply time-varying simultaneous-equations model (TV-SEM) to analyze time-dependent changes inherent in the trade dynamics in the spot market of Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX). Simultaneous-equations model can estimate interdependent variables such as market price and quantity in a set of multiple equations. We allowed the coefficients to change of the equations using State Space model with stepwise estimation by Kalman filter algorithm, in order to observe structural changes in trades over two years since May 2005.
Using only publicly available data of the JEPX trade records, we were able to estimate supply and demand curves in the spot market as a function of date for both the Off-peak and the On-peak commodities, to find out:
(a) Buying bid volumes and prices carried much stronger impact than selling offer prices and volumes to form system prices for both the On- and Off- peak commodities,
(b) Selling offer prices on the supply curves for both the Off- and On- peak commodities remained rather stable, while buying bid prices on the demand curves for the On-peak commodity varied much over time, resulting in changes in the system prices.
(c) Price elasticity of demand grew elastic for the Off- peak commodity especially after April 2007, while that of the On- peak commodity remained inelastic all through fiscal years 2005 and 2006.







大藤 建太

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

山口 順之

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域


日本卸電力取引所 Japan Electric Power Exchange
スポット市場 Spot market
供給曲線・需要曲線 Supply and Demand curves
同時方程式モデル Simultaneous-equations models
カルマンフィルタ Kalman filter
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry