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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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エアコンによるCO2削減に向けた方策 -アンケート調査による実態把握と省エネルギーバリアの分析-


Measures to Promote CO2 Emission Reduction by Heat Pump Air-condinioners -Questionnaire Survey and Analysis on Energy Efficiency Barriers-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The actual level of market penetration of cost-effective energy efficient technologies is often below its optimal level, which is theoretically recognized as the "energy efficiency gap" caused by various hindering factors called "energy efficiency (EE) barriers". This is particularly true for the heat-pump room air-conditioner (RAC) as an alternative space heating appliance to boilers. Although many proposed scenarios with regard to the low carbon society have expressed high expectations for RACs, the promotion policy necessary in its diffusion process has not been discussed enough. The purpose of this study is to reveal if and what EE barriers exist through a case study of RACs in Japan and to discuss appropriate measures for the removal of barriers. First, we conduct a questionnaire survey of 2.5 thousand consumers on the current status of choices and usages of space-heating appliances. Next, we examine each impact of six EE barriers, which make those consumers not use RACs, based on a theoretical classification in previous studies: imperfect information, split incentives, access to capital, bounded rationality, hidden costs, and risk. Thirdly, CO2 emission reduction potential curves, which account for the relationship between the amount of carbon reduction and its marginal cost, are derived from the questionnaire data by taking EE barriers into account. The result shows that about two-thirds of the economic CO2 emission reduction potential from the residential space-heating and cooling possibly becomes unavailable by the influence of EE barriers, implying that appropriate measures to remove EE barriers are as important as the technology development is. Finally, policy implications to promote energy efficiency of space-heating appliances are discussed.







西尾 健一郎

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術政策領域

岩船 由美子

東京大学生産技術研究所 エネルギー工学連携研究センター


CO2排出削減ポテンシャル CO2 Emission Reduction Potential
暖房エネルギー利用 Space Heating Energy Use
ヒートポンプエアコン Heat Pump Air-conditioner
省エネルギーバリア Energy Efficiency Barriers
温暖化政策 Climate Change Policy
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry