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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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ガソリン税暫定税率撤廃の経済影響評価 - 47都道府県空間一般均衡分析


Welfare Analysis of Abolishing Provisional Gasoline Tax Rate - Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Approach

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In Japan, drivers and car owners pay several kinds of taxes earmarked for building and repairing roads. These include the gasoline tax, diesel collection tax, liquefied petroleum gas tax, auto acquisition tax and tonnage tax. The extra rates on gasoline and motor vehicle tonnage were originally adopted in the 1970s as a temporary measure to finance road construction and maintenance but have been retained ever since.
The preceding studies on gasoline tax related problems do not adequately pay attention to the effect on interregional resource allocation. To verify the validity of gasoline tax, it is necessary to make clear how the abolition of provisional gasoline tax rate affects production level, local employment and welfare of people living in each jurisdiction, considering both the production factors redistribution effect and the induced income effect.
In this report, we develop a spatial computable general equilibrium (SpCGE) model to evaluate the economic impact of stamping out the temporary freed-up rate for the gasoline tax. A rigorous methodological framework taking into account tax base endogeneity, changes in relative prices, sectoral and regional substitution aspects is calibrated through a consistent 47 prefectures Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) database. In particular, this model allows the demographic changes, specifically on the interregional migration, and price-responsive input substitutions to capture the difference in transportation cost, permitting regime shifts in the trade structure. Spatial considerations can be rigorously assessed, providing relevant insights for the regional planning policymaker.
Our simulation results conform to the several opinion polls showing that a majority of voters would welcome lower gas prices at a present time when oil prices are soaring. At the expense of losing a substantial budget for central and local governments as well as a dramatic reduction in the production of construction sector, abolishing the provisional tax rate eventually brings about the welfare improvement throughout Japan.
Nevertheless, under the mechanism of price adjustment and substitution structure, large prefectures, like Kanagawa, Chiba and Aichi, predominately benefit more from implementing this plan.







B. Pongsun

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域

人見 和美

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域


ガソリン税暫定税率 Provisional gasoline tax rate
税制改革 Tax system reform
経済厚生分析 Economic welfare analysis
空間一般均衡モデル Spatial computable general equilibrium modeling
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry