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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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動学的一般均衡モデルによる財政政策のシミュレーション分析 -消費税増税と公共投資増加の影響-


A Simulation Analysis of Fiscal Policy with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model - the effects of consumption tax increase and public investment increae on the Japanese economy -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

(2) 今後行なわれる基礎年金の国庫負担率引上げに関して、基礎年金の国庫負担割合を1/3から1/2に引上げる際の税源として消費税を用いたとき、必要な消費税率の引き上げ幅がどの程度かを計算した。国庫負担率引き上げは長期的な政策変更であるため、まず経済が長期的に向かう姿である定常状態(一人当たりGDPなどが一定になる状態)に焦点を絞って計算したところ、必要な消費税の引き上げ幅は0.84%程度となった。また、これにより実質GDPはベースライン(国庫負担率を1/3としたときの定常状態)から約0.44%減少する。ただし、ここでの結果は、政策実施前後の定常状態のみを比較したものであり、どのような経路で経済が新しい定常状態に移行していくかは分からない。

概要 (英文)

It is expected that government expenditure will increase in the near future due to the increase in social security cost. Furthermore, in the Prime Minister Aso's administration, active fiscal policy is ready for demand expansion. The policy change affects the behavior of households and firms that act under rational decision making. As a result,it may have significant effects on the Japanese macroeconomy. Therefore,it is needed to evaluate the effects of the policy change correctly,in order that households and firms make an appropriate decision against it. To do this,we use a Dynamic General Equilibrium model,which becomes a main tool for a modern macroeconomic analysis. In particular,we employ the New Keynesian type dynamic macroeconomic model including small social security sector.
(1) First, we compute how much the amount of increase in the consumption tax rate is needed when government increases the ratio of social security burden from 1/3 to 1/2. This calculation focuses on steady states of the model economy because the consumption tax rate change is permanent. The result shows that the consumption tax rate has to increase by 0.84%. Then the real GDP decreases by 0.44% relative to the base line scenario. Note that this simulation calculates the effects of the tax rate increase only on the steady states. Therefore, the transition path from the old steady states to the new one is not depicted.
(2) In order to show the transition path, we conducted the consumption tax increase simulation from the current level of 5% to 6%. The result shows that the real GDP converges to the new steady states,which is 0.52% less than the old steady states.
(3) Finally,we implemented the simulation of fiscal expenditure expansion. We found that one percent positive shock in fiscal expenditure increases the real GDP by 0.03%. The associated fiscal multiplier is 0.63. The multiplier less than one is because of the crowding out effects on consumption and investment. Therefore, we cannot fully rely on the stimulative effects of the fiscal policy.







溜川 健一

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域

門多 治

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域


動学的一般均衡モデル Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
財政政策 Fiscal Policy
政府支出 Government Expenditure
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry