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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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European Energy Consumer Attitudes and Company Strategies towards the Low Carbon Society

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

国際標準化機構(ISO)による社会責任規格の発行などを受け、世界的に各企業ともCR(Corporate Responsibility:企業責任)を重視した戦略をとっている。CRの温暖化問題では、欧州のエネルギー事業者の取り組みとその受け手となる消費者の対応が重要な役割を有すると考えられる。本報告では、欧米企業のCRから見た温暖化問題の位置づけ、取り組みを定量的に把握するとともに、欧州のエネルギー事業者へのインタビュー調査にもとづき、顧客サービスの視点から温暖化問題に関する実施内容を明らかにした。また、温暖化問題に対する消費者の意識と行動について整理した。

概要 (英文)

Interest in CR (corporate responsibility) has grown due to a variety of factors such as worsening global environmental problems, growing consumer concern for moral issues, and the publication of social responsibility standards by ISO. Environmental problems are a key theme of CR. The EU is actively working to counter the global warming problem. It is expected that energy companies, who account for a major percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, will play a critical role in addressing the problem. This research first looked at European and American companies, showing the significance of and promotion systems for CR based on a questionnaire survey of 150 European and 121 North American companies. It was confirmed that European companies are more advanced in areas such as "declaration to participate in the UN Global Compact" and "CO2 reduction targets have been set for each business site." In-depth interviews were then conducted with 12 European energy companies. These interviews found that climate change and low carbon strategy issues are the concern and responsibility of a wide variety of staff in the business. It was also revealed that energy companies are driven by many motives such as CR and corporate image, etc. in their move towards climate problems and low carbon strategies. Companies also increasingly understand that regardless of their strategies and planned offerings, efficient consumer segmentation and customization will be the key to a successful outcome, as will effective cross-industry partnerships in the area of technological development. Investigation into recent European low carbon attitudes and behaviour further showed that such attitudes and behaviour are driven by not only environmental considerations, but also self-interested considerations of health, lifestyle, taste, quality, self-perceptions and the way consumers wanted others to see them to a larger extent. The research consequently indicates that the achievement of corporate responsibility objectives rests on the result of managerial, market and consumer related issues.







蟻生 俊夫


Philip E. Lewis


後藤 久典

社会経済研究所 エネルギー事業政策領域

Daria Golubkina



低炭素社会 Low carbon society
企業責任 Corporate responsibility
エネルギー事業者 Energy companies
消費意識 Consumer attitudes
消費者行動 Consumer behaviour
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry