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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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日本のエネルギー需要の価格弾力性の推計 -非対称性と需要トレンドの影響を考慮して-


An estimation of price elasticity of energy demand in Japan -Considering the influence of asymmetry and energy demand trend -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

1. 先行研究のレビューから明らかになった課題
2. 日本の部門別価格弾力性の推計結果
(3) 産業部門以外で、非線形なトレンドの存在が確認された(図)。例えば運輸部門では、トップランナー制度の導入をきっかけに、増加基調にあった基底的トレンドは減少に転じている。

概要 (英文)

In Japan, there is no consensus about the price elasticity of energy demand, which is an important reference for the effectiveness of price related climate policy. In order to get reliable estimates, we apply the following estimation method considering the influence of energy demand trend and the direction of price changes.
From our review of related studies focusing on Japan, we confirmed that the price elasticity estimates have wide range of results. And the divergence of estimated values are explained by asymmetricity of price elasticity, which means the price elasticity in the period of price rise is different from that in the period of price fall, and non-linearity of trend which consists of various factors such as technological changes, life-style changes, demographic changes and so on. Considering these two factors, we employed Kalman-filter methods and estimated the sectoral energy demand functions for industrial, building, residential and transportation sectors based on the quarterly time series data from the first quarter of 1986 to the first quarter of 2009.
We found that the price elasticity values have asymmetricity in the three sectors except for residential sector. In industrial and transportation sectors, the estimated price elasticity is large enough only when the energy price outstrips the recent highest price levels. Using Kalman Filter model, we figured out the non-linear trend of energy demand (underlining energy demand trend) for each sector. And we found that the slope of the underlying energy demand trend in residential sector became smaller after the top-runner program was installed.







星野 優子

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術政策領域


価格弾力性 price elasticity
エネルギー需要 energy demand
温暖化防止政策 climate policy
省エネルギー energy conservation
カルマンフィルター Kalman filter
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry