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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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「オールジャパン」による原子力国際展開の課題 -業種別国際展開戦略オプションに基づく問題点の抽出と改善提案-


Some Problems of Recent "All Japan" Strategy for Nuclear Power Exports - Identification of its Problems and a Proposal for Improvement based on International Development Strategies of the major three Categories of Businesses constituting Nuclear Power Industry -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In Japan, "All Japan" strategy for nuclear power exports, which arranges engineering companies and electric utilities to sell nuclear power plants providing engineering, procurement, construction and operation abroad, with governmental support of expanded trade insurance, is strongly promoted today as a part of Japan's national growth strategy. However, "All Japan" strategy generates some problems because the strategy does not consider difference of business strategies concerning international development of each enterprise.
This report identifies problems of "All Japan" strategy based on environmental scanning of major three categories of businesses, which are big nuclear technology companies, vendors and electric utilities constituting nuclear power industry. And this report proposes the way to improve the strategy as follows to resolve those problems.
1) It is necessary to assess the risk of the project that is to be undertaken by "All Japan" approach carefully.
2) Governmental support for vendors is also needed because the vendors are source of strength of international development of the nuclear industry in Japan.
3) Where the cooperation among the electric utilities is necessary, imposing the risk burden on the utilities should be avoided.
4) It is necessary for government to take measures about "Weakness" and "Threat" that each category of business commonly faces.







田邉 朋行

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術政策領域


原子力産業の国際展開 International Development of the Nuclear Industry
「オールジャパン戦略」 "All Japan" Strategy for Nuclear Power Exports
成長戦略 National Growth Strategy
原子力ルネサンス Nuclear Power Renaissance
SWOT(環境)分析 Environmental Scan/SWOT Analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry