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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Does the Virtual Divestiture Work as a Way to Mitigate Market Power?

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

わが国では,これまでに卸電力市場の活性化に向けた施策が議論されており,今後はこれまでよりもスポット市場の取引量が増加することが予想される。しかし,その際の市場支配力の行使の問題への対応策について,競争促進策の観点からはほとんど議論されてこなかった。本報告で考察した米国の合併案件(Exelon/PSEG, Duke/Progress)における仮想的売却は,卸電力市場の価格水準と競争者数に配慮した競争促進策であり,わが国においても将来的に検討しておくことが望ましい施策であることを示した。
また,米国では,エネルギーの専門規制機関である連邦エネルギー規制委員会(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,以下FERC)が競争促進策として仮想的売却を認める考えを示しているのに対し,競争当局である米国司法省(Department of Justice,以下DOJ)は仮想的売却を認めず,所有権の分離を実施すべきであるとの考えを示しており,報告書ではその理由を明かにした。米国における規制当局間のこのような見解の違いは,FERCは,電力の市場支配力が高まるのは特定の季時に限定されるという電力特有の実情を考慮しており,一方で,DOJは仮想的売却をはじめとする行為規制に要する監視コストを問題視していることが理由として挙げられる。

概要 (英文)

There is a case that an antitrust authority and regulators in the US oblige dominant generators to virtually divest generation capacities while maintaining ownership (i.e. virtual divestiture), instead of actual divestiture of generation assets to third parties (i.e. ownership unbundling), as a way to curtail their market power. This report focused on two cases where virtual divestiture was proposed as a tool to mitigate the market power. The first case is the merger between Exelon and PSEG, and the second is the merger between Duke Energy and Progress Energy. We analyzed the implementation of virtual divestitures of power plants and compared them to ownership unbundling, and thereby investigated whether the virtual divestiture works as a way to mitigate market power.
The virtual divestiture is identified with a certain advantage over ownership unbundling, as it is more flexible and legally easier to divest the plants which are owned privately. On the other hand the virtual divestiture might involve more transaction cost than ownership unbundling. In the U.S., FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the energy regulator) intends to apply the virtual divestiture as a means to mitigate the extent of abusing market power upon the large mergers; on the contrary, DOJ (Department of Justice, the antitrust authority) is skeptical of its effect. While FERC focuses on mitigation of the market power of limited periods or time, DOJ requires a permanent remedy that eliminates the ability and incentive to abuse the market power. We need at least five conditions to promote competition by the virtual divestiture;(1) to make compensation- rule to prevent the utility from controlling the virtual power supply, (2) to construct an independent monitoring institution to make the fair trade of the virtual divestiture,(3) to prevent high market share companies from buying capacity to be auctioned, (4) to make a rational period of the virtual divestiture, and (5) to assure that the incumbents do not buy back their sold plant. Provided all of those conditions are satisfied and approved by the regulator, the virtual divestiture is expected to be a valuable tool in competition policy in Japanese electricity industry.







三枝 まどか

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域

服部 徹

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域


仮想的売却 Virtual Divestiture
卸電力市場 Wholesale Electricity Market
競争 Competition
市場支配力 Market Power
米国 United States
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry