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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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我が国の核セキュリティ文化醸成に関する考察 -IAEA実施指針や国内外の脅威事案の分析を通じて-


A Study on the promotion of Japan's Nuclear Security Culture - based on the Implementing Guide of IAEA and actually-occurred threat cases -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

国際原子力機関(IAEA)の核セキュリティ関連指針を踏まえ、2012年3月に原子力規制関連法令が改正され、核物質防護規定において「核セキュリティ文化を醸成するための体制(経営責任者の関与を含む。)に関すること」を定めることが原子力事業者に義務付けられた。しかし、核セキュリティ文化に関するIAEAの考え方が十分に咀嚼されることなく規制に導入されたため、実施に際して事業者や国等が講ずべき具体的対応が不明瞭である。本報告では、IAEAの核セキュリティ文化に関する実施指針“Nuclear Security Culture”及び関連文献の分析、並びに国内外の原子力施設等で発生した脅威事案の分析を通じて、核セキュリティ文化を具現化した核セキュリティ対策の具体像を明らかにすることを目的とする。

概要 (英文)

The ministerial ordinance relating to the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law, revised in 2012, requires licensees of nuclear facilities to establish a system to foster Nuclear Security Culture. However, such measures are introduced without thorough consideration of essentials of Nuclear Security Culture. This report aims to provide deeper understanding of the concept and raise issues relating to implementation of nuclear security measures by reviewing the Implementing Guide of Nuclear Security Culture published by International Atomic Energy Agency and related documents, as well as analyzing security threats that actually happened recently. The results are summarized as follows:
1) Two beliefs, namely, "a credible threat exists" and "nuclear security is important", form the basis of Nuclear Security Culture. Nuclear Security Culture bears a high degree of resemblance to Nuclear Safety Culture because the both assume the same organizational culture model. The differences between the two are derived from whether the malevolence of adversaries should be taken into consideration or not. As the questioning attitude plays an important role to instill the two beliefs, a proper management system of Nuclear Security Culture is necessary to cultivate it.
2) Based on the related documents and an analysis of the cases of actual threats, the following viewpoints should be made clear: (a) the role of the actors of Nuclear Security Culture, (b) flexible sensitivity to share the same understanding about the credible threat, (c) systematic revision of the related regulation about sensitive information management and security clearance of the personnel, and complementary measures such as hotline, (d) measures to encourage the positive action of the personnel, (e) how to construct continuous cycle of continuous improvement of Nuclear Security Culture at state level.







稲村 智昌

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術評価領域

田邉 朋行

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術評価領域


核セキュリティ文化 Nuclear Security Culture
原子力安全文化 Nuclear Safety Culture
機微情報 Sensitive Information
信頼性確認 Security Clearance
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry