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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Issues of Estimating Costs and Benefits of Smart Grid Projects in Japan Based on the Analysis of the U.S. and Europe cases

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

欧米では、この分析手法に関する研究も進んでおり、特に、2010年に米国電力研究所(Electric Power Reserach Institute、以下EPRI)がとりまとめたアプローチ手法は、欧州委員会(European Comission)がとりまとめたガイドラインとしても取り入れられている。

概要 (英文)

Recently, the technical verification and the evaluation of applicability of Smart Grid projects have been actively performed in Japan. However, the methodologies of the cost - benefit analysis of Smart Grid projects have not made progresses in Japan. Therefore, it is important to acquire knowledge of the cost - benefit analysis of Smart Grid projects already undertaken. The research of cost - benefit analysis has been actively conducted in the U.S. and Europe. Especially, the approach proposed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in 2010 was adopted by the European Commission as a guideline for conducting analyses in Europe. We explored EPRI's approach in detail to identify its features and assessed applicability of its concept and methodological framework to the Smart Grid projects in Japan. Based on our assessment, we suggest that EPRI's concept and methodological framework seem to be partially applicable for the cost - benefit analysis of Smart Grid projects in Japan. We also found some needs for clarification and modification of the approach, if it were to be applied. Namely, we have to refine the relationship between Smart Grid assets and their attributed functions by taking the actual conditions in Japan into consideration, since there are differences in the asset formation, for example, the diffusion rate of automated feeder switches between Japan and the U.S. We also need to refine the relationship between the functions and their benefits. Furthermore, we also need to formulate the appropriate monetary valuation of the benefits in our Smart Grid projects.







河村 清紀

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術評価領域

服部 徹

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域


スマートグリッド Smart Grid
費用便益分析 Cost-Benefit Analysis
米国 The United States of America
欧州 Europe
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry