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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of Macroeconometric = Input-Output System-A Sensitivity Analysis of Increasing in Fuel Prices on Japanese Economy and Industries-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)





概要 (英文)

The soaring fuel prices and their accompanying increase in electricity rates have stimulated concern over negative influences on Japanese economy and industries. Under the circumstances, we constructed a system which connects our short-term macro-econometric model (CRIEPI-SMMQ) and our input-output models, in order to quantitatively analyze the influences on not only macro economy but also individual industrial activities. In this report, we present the outline of this system which includes a simple forecasting framework of electricity rates, and introduce a couple of results of sensitivity analyses by this system.

It is found from the sensitivity analyses by our forecasting framework of electricity rates that the 10 % increase in oil price raises the electricity rates by 2 % for household use and 3 % for industrial and business use. We also found from the analyses by CRIEPI-SMMQ that their increases reduce real GDP by 0.04--0.16 %. Not only does the private consumption decrease by 0.02--0.11 % due to the lowering of the real income, but the export also falls by 0.04--0.18 % due to the decline of the export competitiveness.

The analysis results obtained from an input-output approach are as follows. Firstly, the increases in oil and electricity prices raise the producer prices of each industry, through the rises in input costs related to the energy. Although the rise of producer price of all industries is as small as 0.5 %, these impacts vary according to industries. The industries which receive the significant impacts are energy intensive ones such as petroleum (5.5 %) and coal (5.3 %) product, and nonferrous metal (4.0 %). Secondly, the decrease in the domestic demand and the net export diminishes the production by 0.4 %. By industry, the production of petroleum, gas, heat supply and nonferrous metal decrease by 2.4 %, 2.1 % and 1.9 %, respectively.







間瀬 貴之

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

林田 元就

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域


電気料金 Electricity Rates and Charges
日本経済 Japanese Economy
マクロ計量経済モデル Macroeconometric Model
産業連関分析 Input-Output Analysis
感度分析 Sensitivity Analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry