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米国におけるオープン・アクセスの法規制 -Order No. 888の検討-


Regulations Concerning to Open Access of Transmission Grid in U.S. : Analysis of Order No. 888

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

事業規制による託送の義務づけを行うことで,送電線への公正なアクセスを保証する場合に生じる制度上の問題について,アメリカにおけるOrder No. 888と,それまでの歴史的動向を踏まえつつ検討を行った。明らかになった点は以下の通りである。(1)1980年代以降,アメリカでは卸電力市場への競争導入の動きの中,事業規制により託送の実施を強制する動きが出てきた。しかし,これらの規制の下では,託送実施の可否はケースバイケースで判断されていた。(2)1996年のOrder No. 888では,送電線を保有する電気事業者対し一般的に託送を実施する義務が課せられた。しかし,この義務は,電気事業者に初期状態での容量の確保を認め,託送の実施は原則として空き容量の部分に限られるといった点で,コモンキャリアとは異なるものである。

概要 (英文)

Recently, countries aiming at deregulation of the electricity supply industry tend to choose ``open access models'' that allow final customers the freedom to select suppliers.For example, in 1996, U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No 888, which requires electric utilities to open their transmission grid for third parties.However, there are a lot of issues to be addressed before we adopt such models in our country.In this paper, we discuss open access of the transmission grid from the view points of utility regulation, taking account of the debates over regulations on grid access, especially concerning Order No. 888 and previous laws and regulations in the United States.The results are:1. At the end of 1980s, laws and regulations were established to require electric utilities to open their transmission grid for third parties.However, propriety of the wheeling order was decided on a case-by-case basis before the enactment of Order No. 888.2. Under the provisions of Order No. 888 issued in 1996, electric utilities are required to open their transmission grid any time by request.Nevertheless, that obligation is limitative because (1) the electric utilities have a preferential access to the grid, (2) eligible customers can access to the grid only if there is available transmission capacity.Hence, one of the critical issues to be addressed is how to calculate their available transmission capacity.







丸山 真弘



オープンアクセス Open Access
事業規制 Utility Regulation
送電 Transmission
アメリカ合衆国 United States
Order No. 888 Order No. 888
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry