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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Intertempral Efficiency Analysis of Japanese Electric Utilities --Efficiency of Generation, Network and Administration Sectors--

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Since Japanese electric power industry is now being deregulated, electric utilities are gradually exposed to competition. In a competitive environment, utilities are required to improve their management efficiency more than before. Therefore, it becomes more important for them to measure their performance and to improve it. To measure their performance, however, the productivity index usually used does not take account of inefficiency of each observation, and the efficiency index measured for each period by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has a limit to be applied to intertemporal efficiency analysis. Considering these problems, this paper applied Malmquist index, which can measure technical inefficiency of each observation and be applied to intertemporal analysis, in order to measure the efficiency trend of Japanese electric utilities between 1983 and 1997. In this study, each utility was separated into 3 sectors, generation, network and administration, and then Malmquist index, which includes technical efficiency change and technical progress, and allocative efficiency index were calculated based on the growth rate respectively for each sector. Furthermore, regression analysis was applied to verify what influenced on these efficiency scores. The results of calculation showed that 1) calculated Malmquist index and allocative efficiency index reflected actual trend of performance in each sector, implying that these indices are useful to measure companies’ performance, 2) the performance of network sector improved most for the observed period, which could be caused by unmanned network facilities and decreasing investments, 3) performance of administration sector showed least progress, which could be caused by large growth of investment and employees during observed period, 4) generation sector’s performance was mainly based on the trend of technical efficiency change, not technical progress, 5) allocative efficiency index improved only for generation sector, which could be caused by the decline of the fuel price in 1986, and 6) most of efficiency scores were influenced by the technical factors such as capacity utilization, fuel efficiency and transmission loss.







筒井 美樹



マルムキスト指標 Malmquist Index
効率性 Efficiency
電気事業 Electric Utilities
包絡分析法 Data Envelopment Analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry