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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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貧富格差に注目した人口変動要因の分析 -人口問題の解決に向けて-


An analysis of the population change factors focusing the gap between poverty and wealth― Toward solution of population issue ―

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

国連の人口推定では、2050年には破局的人口爆発を克服して静止人口に近づくとするシナリオが描かれている。しかし、これは世界の各地域、各国において非常に過酷な状況を克服するための政策が前提とされる。 本研究は、世界人口の長期的変動に関する要因について、特にこれまで明示的には検討されなかった貧富格差に注目し、定量的データを用いて分析し、そこから今後の人口変動の傾向と有効な対策について考察する。 主な結果は次の通りである。(1) 経済的豊かさの格差以上に出生率、死亡率に関する世界の格差は拡大した。(2) 国内の貧富格差を縮小させる所得の再配分は、出生率や死亡率に対して、経済的豊かさの向上が果たす効果に代替する効果を期待できる。(3) 教育・女性の地位向上、保健・医療基盤の整備、経済的豊かさの向上、貧富格差の縮小、生活様式の都市化が出生率と乳児死亡率を低下させる可能性がある。

概要 (英文)

The United Nation sketched that total fertility rate will be about 2.0 persons which is just enough to maintain the existing population, and population increasing rate will be 3.8 ‰ which is equal to that in the Industrial Revolution era. This scenario suggests that we can overcome catastrophical population explosion and the population will approach to the stationary level in 2050. However this cannot be achieved without proper political measures to overcome the very cruel situation in each region and country around the world. This report examines various factors affecting long-term population change in the world; the factors include rapid transition in production system, industry/economy mechanism, life style, technology, health/medical care and so on. We, in particular, pay attention to the gap between poverty and wealth that has not been analyzed quantitatively up to now. We examines future perspections on population and effective countermeasures against its rapid increase. Major results are:(1) Diversity in both fertility rate and mortality rate in the world increased more than diversity did from 1970 to 1993.(2) Redistrtibution of income to reduce domestic gap between poverty and wealth can contribute to an improvement in fertility rate and mortality rate; this may supplement an imrovement of nation-wide average income.(3) The results suggest that the followings contribute to reduce fertility rate and mortality rate: improvement of education and/or women empowerment, preparation of health and medical care system, improvement of economic richness, reduction of poverty and wealth gap, and urbanization of life style.







若谷 佳史



人口動態 demography
貧富格差 gap between poverty and wealth
出生率 fertility rate
死亡率 mortality rate
ジニ係数 Gini ratio
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry