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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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マルムキスト指標を用いた日米電気事業の部門別効率性比較 -DEA手法による計測-


Comparison of Intertemporal Technical Efficiency by Sector among Japanese and US Electric Utilities- the Application of Malmquist Index calculated by DEA -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Under the deregulation, Japanese electric utilities are required to improve their management efficiency more than before. For that purpose, it becomes more important how to measure the efficiency to identify factors for the improvement. Especially, it is necessary to measure efficiency by sector in order to build the detailed management efficiency improvement plan. This paper measures utilities’ intertemporal technical efficiency for generation, network and administration sectors respectively, and compares it between Japanese and US electric utilities for each sector, using 9 Japanese utilities and 23 US utilities data set from 1990 to 1997.In this paper, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is applied in order to calculate Malmquist Index which implies improvement of intertemporal technical efficiency, and to show the relative position of Japanese, US and common efficiency frontiers and their intertemporal shifts. The results of calculation showed :1) the averages of Malmquist Index and efficiency frontier don’t improve much in all sectors in Japan, while averages of US Malmquist Index improve significantly in network and administration sector, and US frontiers progress in all sectors more than Japanese frontiers.2) the average efficiency level of Japanese utilities are higher than US one in generation sector, and the result in administration sector is adverse. In network sector, both countries’ averages are at almost the same level.3) considering the share of administration sector, these result can support the result of previous study which showed higher efficiency of Japanese utilities than US ones on the whole company base (not divided into sectors). 4) progress of US utilities’ efficiency is caused mainly by the reduction of employees in US utilities during period. It is considered to be influenced by deregulation of US electric power industry.







筒井 美樹



効率性分析 Efficiency Analysis
マルムキスト指標 Malmquist Index
日米比較 International Comparison
電気事業 Electric Utilities
データ包絡分析法 Data Envelopment Analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry