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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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確率的フロンティア分析による日米電気事業の生産性比較 -汽力発電所と送配電部門を対象として-


Relative Performance of US and Japanese Electric Utilities-An Application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Although the electricity industry in Japan has been an object of efficiency and productivity analysis for a long time, only few attempts have so far been made at international comparison. This paper estimates and compares productive efficiency of U.S. and Japanese electric utilities during 1990-1997 using a stochastic frontier approach. Our focus is on steam power production and network services (transmission and distribution) of major vertically integrated, investor-owned utilities. We employ a translog production function to represent the technology of steam power production and a translog labor requirement function for the technology of network services. For the network services, we have several alternative models with respect to outputs and inputs other than labor. Applying the stochastic frontier analysis to panel data, we examine the temporal pattern of relative (technical) efficiency and technical change. For steam power production, we also estimate Malmquist productivity index. Empirical results from various specifications of the stochastic frontier (one of which allows mean inefficiency to vary between the two countries) show that Japanese electric utilities are relatively more efficient in both steam power production and network services. The differences in relative efficiency in steam power production between the two countries are about the same during the sample period, while the inefficiency of Japanese utilities in network services has been increasing since 1995. The technical progress in steam power production for the sample period is very small in both countries, if any. The rate of technical progress in network services is higher for US electric utilities than for Japanese utilities.







服部 徹



生産性 Productivity
技術変化 Technical Change
技術効率性 Technical Efficiency
確率的フロンティア分析 Stochastic Frontier Analysis
電気事業者 Electric Utilities
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry