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- Rikido Yonezawa

Rikido Yonezawa
Distribution System Unit, Simulation Frontier Group, Senior Research Scientist
Born in Aichi
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Master's degree)
[Field of reseach] XTAP, Phylogenetic Simulation, Programming
To ensure stable delivery of electricity to everyone He simulates various electrical phenomena that occur in the power system using the system analysis software "XTAP". With this, he studies causes of and countermeasures for actual abnormal phenomena and accidents. He strives to develop and improve user-friendly tools. eXpandable Transient Analysis Program (XTAP) is a program that analyzes at the waveform level the transient phenomena of electric circuits including power systems. The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry is developing XTAP for the purpose of improving analysis accuracy, flexibly responding to domestic needs such as improving programs and adding models.
Development of an Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program for Power Systems (Part 9): A Fast Frequency-Scan Algorithm
Research Report : H15004 -
Development of an Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program for Power Systems(Part 7): Fast Simulations by Parallelization of Updating Process of Circuit Components
Research Report : H13005 -
Development of an Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program for Power Systems (Part 5): A Fast Algorithm for LU Decomposition of a Large Sparse Matrix
Research Report : H11009