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- Taku Noda

Taku Noda
Senior Research Scientist, PhD in Engineering Leader, Simulation Frontier Group, Distribution System Unit
Place of birth: Osaka, Japan
Doshisha University
[Field of reseach] Power system simulation
I never stop thinking.
Taku Noda was involved in the development of a power system simulation program at the Bonneville Power Administration which is under DOE of the United States, when he was a PhD student. Then, he obtained his PhD and joined the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). In 2006, he started developing a new power system simulation program called XTAP (eXpandable Transient Analysis Program) so as to meet simulation needs of utility companies in Japan. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, XTAP is heavily used for studies related to the incorporation of renewable energy sources, wide area hvdc interconnections and so on. XTAP is a computer program for the waveform-level simulations of power systems.
Best Paper Award in 2008 and the Progress Award twice in 2009 and 2016 from the IEEJ; Electrical Science and Engineering Promotion Award in 2016.
An Eigenvalue Analysis Method for High-Frequency Oscillations Occurring in Power Systems: Systematic Derivation of State Equations for Power System Circuits
Research Report : C18006 -
A Method for Measuring Underground Cable Constants under Electromagnetic Induction Effects
Research Report : C17002 -
A Fast Simulation Algorithm for Distribution-System Transients Based on the Theory of Dynamic Phasors (Part 1): Proposal of Fundamental Concept
Research Report : H15014 -
Development of a Frequency-Dependent Line Model for Electromagnetic Transient Simulations without Model Identification Problems (Part 1): Simulation Performance of an FDTD-Based Line Model
Research Report : H14013 -
Development of an Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program for Power Systems (Part 9): A Fast Frequency-Scan Algorithm
Research Report : H15004 -
Development of an Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program for Power Systems (Part 8): Fast Simulations by Single-Phase Phasor-Based Modeling of Remote Power Systems
Research Report : H13010 -
Review of Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems and Simulation Cases Using XTAP (Part 1): Switching Transient Overvoltage Simulations
Research Report : H12005 -
Evaluation of Line Constants of Short-Length Underground Cables: Development of a Measurement Method and Validation of a Calculation Method
Research Report : H11006