Taguchi, Hiroshi
- Current Position
- Research Economist
- Research Interests
- Regional Economics, Input-Output Analysis
- htaguchi(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
Education and Professional Experience
- 2008 - present
- Researcher, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI.
Selected Publications
To download the CRIEPI RESEARCH REPORT, available at : (https://criepi.denken.or.jp/hokokusho/pb/reportSearch)
- Compilation of Interregional Energy SAM of Japan for Environmental Tax Policy Evaluation, Y10007, 2011.
- Spatial CGE Model for Analyzing Impact of Carbon Tax Imposition on Regional Economies of Japan, Y10030, 2011.
Discussion Paper (ENGLISH)
- H.Taguchi,P.Banditsakulchai(2010), "Measuring the Regional Welfare Change Resulting from Levying Carbon Tax on Japanese Economy using AIDS model", Paper presented at 57th North American Meetings of the RSAI, 2010
- H.Taguchi,P.Banditsakulchai(2009), "The Environmental Impact of Modal Shift in Japan - Evaluation by Multi-regional Input-Output Model" , Paper presented 56th North American Meetings of the RSAI
- H.Taguchi,P.Banditsakulchai(2008), "Comparative Study on Bi-proportional Walrasian and Marshallian REIMs", Paper presented 55th North American Meetings of the RSA