
Horio, Kenta
- Current Position
- Researcher
- Research Interests
- nuclear energy policy, nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, climate policy
- ke-horio(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
- Message
- Kenta Horio is a researcher at the Socio-Economic Research Center, the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). His areas of interest include nuclear energy policy; nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament; and climate policy. Since 2018, he has been participating in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conferences, as a member of Japanese delegation.
Prior to joining CRIEPI, he involved in research and analytical works at/with various organizations including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency and the Science Council of Japan. Until June 2015, he served for two years as the special adviser to the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, and an adviser to Japanese delegation to the 2015 NPT Review Conference. He was a member of the working group for the Independent Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, initiated by the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation.
Education and Professional Experience
- 2018 - present
- Researcher, Socio-Economic Research Center, CRIEPI
- 2016 - 2018
- Research Staff, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
- 2013 - 2015
- Special Adviser, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- 2012 - 2013
- Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2011 - 2012
- Non-proliferation Information Analyst, Non-Proliferation, Science and Nuclear Energy Division, Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- 2010
- M.E., Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
- 2008
- B.E., Department of Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
Selected Publications
- Kenta Horio, Transition toward achieving climate-neutrality objective and development of "do no significant harm" principle under the European Green Deal, EU Studies in Japan, Vol.42, pp,76-96, 2022 [in Japanese]
- Kenta Horio, Policy Supports for Development of Small Modular Reactors, Review of Electricity Economics, No.68, 67-76, 2022 [in Japanese]
- Tomita Motoshi, Kenta Horio, Climate Change Mitigation in EU Taxonomy - Analysis of Screening Criteria for Major Economic Activities-, SE21001, CRIEPI Report, 2022 [in Japanese]
- Shogo Sakamoto, Kenta Horio, State of CO2 Emissions and Removals at the time of Achieving Net Zero Emissions - Examination of the IPCC SR15 and other scenarios -, Y20001, CRIEPI Report, 2020 [in Japanese]
- Kenta Horio, Mainstreaming climate action in EU policies - Analysis of a policy trend toward the European Green Deal -, Y19004, CRIEPI Report, 2020 [in Japanese]
- Nobumasa Akiyama, Kenta Horio, "Can Japan Remain Committed to Nonproliferation?", The Washington Quarterly, 36(2), Center for Strategic and International Studies, Spring 2013
- The Independent Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, "The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality", Routledge, February 2014 (contributor to original Japanese version)
- Kenta Horio, Japan's Climate and Energy Policies, Energy Industry Seminar, U.S. National Defense University, 23 April 2021
- Kenta Horio, "Japan's Acquirement of Nuclear and Rocket Capability", GRIPS/SISP International Conference "Nuclear Options in the Cold War: Energy, Bomb and Technology Choices before and after 1968", National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 1-2 March 2017
- Kenta Horio, "Multilateralization of nuclear fuel cycle: Potential supplement to global governance of nuclear energy", 9th International Student/Young Pugwash Conference, October 2015
- Kenta Horio, "Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy: Analyzing "Outcome" of 2015 NPT Review Conference", 27th International Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs, Union of Concerned Scientists/Nagasaki University, July 2015
- Atomic Energy Society of Japan
- Japan Association of Disarmament Studies
- European Union Studies Association Japan