Nagai, Yu
- Current Position
- Research Scientist
- nagai-yu(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
Education and Professional Experience
- 2009
- M.S., University of Tokyo, Advanced Energy
- 2006
- B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering
- 2017
- Doctorate, Vienna University of Technology, Energy Systems and Electrical Drives
- 2013.10- present
- Research Scientist, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan
- 2010.1- 2013.7
- Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
Selected Publications
To download the CRIEPI RESEARCH REPORT, available at : (https://criepi.denken.or.jp/hokokusho/pb/reportSearch)
Main Author:
- Nagai, Y., H. Yamamoto, K. Okada, Y. Yabe, and Y. Nagata, 2016, "Development of a Power Generation Optimization Model with Bilateral Power Inter-trade" CRIEPI Report, Y15021 (in Japanese).
- Obane, H., Y. Nagai, and K. Asano, 2019, "Evaluating technical potential of ground-mounted solar and on-shore wind energy in Japan" CRIEPI Report, Y18003 (in Japanese).
- Furusawa, K., K. Okada, M. Maruyama, K. Asano, and Y. Nagai, 2016, "Issues of the tariff design of distribution system usage charge in European countries" CRIEPI Report, Y15024 (in Japanese).
- Asano, K., K. Okada, Y. Nagai, and M. Maruyama, 2016, "An Analysis of Renewables Market Integration Policies in the European Liberalized Electricity Market" CRIEPI Report, Y15022 (in Japanese).
- Yamamoto, H., Y. Yabe, S. Bando, and Y. Nagai, 2014, "An Evaluation of Effects of Large-Scale Introduction of Renewable Power on Capacities and Operation Modes of Power Generation Systems in Japan" CRIEPI Report, Y14002 (in Japanese).
- Nishio, K., T. Mukai, Y. Nagai, and K. Ofuji, 2018, "Interpretive Issues on Decoupling between Economic Growth and Environmental Burden" CRIEPI Review of Electricity Economics, No. 65 (in Japanese).
- Nagai, Y., and K. Okada, 2017, "Resource Adequacy under the Electricity System Reform: Balance of payment analysis of thermal power generation based on the long-term energy supply and demand outlook" CRIEPI Review of Electricity Economics, No. 64 (in Japanese).
- Okada, K., and Y. Nagai, 2017, "Development of Regional Transmission Congestion Cost Evaluation Tool" CRIEPI Review of Electricity Economics, No. 64 (in Japanese).
Main Author:
- Nagai, Y., H. Yamamoto, and K. Yamaji, 2010, "Constructing low emitting power systems through grid extension in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with rural electrification," Energy, Vol. 35, 2309-2316.
- Obane, H. Y. Nagai, and K. Asano, 2020. "Assessing land use and potential conflict in solar and onshore wind energy in Japan," Renewable Energy, Vol. 160, 842-851.
- Lam, N. L., S. Pachauri, P. Purohit, Y. Nagai, M. N Bates, C. Cameron, and K. Smith, 2016. "Kerosene subsidies for household lighting in India: what are the impacts?," Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 11, 044014.
- McCollum, D. L., V. Krey, P. Kolp, Y. Nagai, and K. Riahi, 2014. "Transport electrification: a key element for energy system transformation and climate stabilization," Climatic Change, Vol. 123, 651-664.
- McCollum, D. L., Y. Nagai, K. Riahi, G. Marangoni, K. Calvin, R. Pietzcker, J. van Vliet, and B. van der Zwaan, 2013. "Energy investments under climate policy: a comparison of global models," Climate Change Economics, Vol. 4, No.4, 1340010.
- Pachauri, S., B. J. van Ruijven, Y. Nagai, K. Riahi, D. P. van Vuuren, A. Brew-Hammond, and N. Nakicenovic, 2013. "Pathways to achieve universal household access to modern energy by 2030," Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 8, 024015.
- Mainali, B., S. Pachauri, and Y. Nagai, 2012, "Analyzing cooking fuel and stove choices in China till 2030," Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4, 03180501-03180515.
- Narula, K., Y. Nagai, and S. Pachauri, 2012, "The role of Decentralized Distributed Generation in achieving universal rural electrification in South Asia by 2030," Energy Policy, Vol. 47, 345-357.
- Krey, V., B. C. O'Neill, B. van Ruijven, V. Chaturvedi, V. Daioglou, J. Eom, L. Jiang, Y. Nagai, S. Pachauri, and X. Ren, 2012, "Urban and rural energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in Asia," Energy Economics Vol. 34, 272-283.
- van Vliet, O., V. Krey, D. McCollum, S. Pachauri, Y. Nagai, S. Rao, and K. Riahi, 2012, "Synergies in the Asian energy system: Climate change, energy security, energy access and air pollution," Energy Economics, Vol. 34, 470-480.
- Global Energy Assessment, 2012, Contributing Author for Chapter 1: Energy Primer, Chapter 17: Energy pathways for Sustainable Development, and Chapter 19: Energy Access for Development.
- IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, 2011, Contributing Author for Chapter 9: Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Development.
- Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Tokyo, Japan, January 2018, "A Preliminary Consideration of Quantitative Assessments of Energy Security in Low-carbon Societies."
- Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Tokyo, Japan, February 2017, "A Study on Decoupling Economic Growth and Electricity Consumption."
- International Energy Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, June 2012, "Policies to achieve universal access to modern fuels for household cooking in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030."
- IAEE International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011, "Assessing factors responsible for differences in household energy access across Brazil, India, Indonesia and Kenya."
- The Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2009, "Evaluation of Generation Planning and Rural Electrification in Tropical Region with Decentralized Generation."
- Japan Institute of Energy Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, July 2009, "An Economic Evaluation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell and Calculation of Its CO2 Reduction Potential."
- IAEE Asian Conference, Perth, Australia, November 2008, "Evaluation of the Potential for Distributed Generation and Effective Use of Sewage and Wastes in Kanto Region of Japan."
- Best poster award winner at the IIASA 40th year anniversary conference
- Recipient of Monbu-Kagakusho Scholarship
- Recipient of HOPE Scholarship at Georgia Institute of Technology