Tagashira, Naoto
- Current Position
- Associate Vice President
Director, Socio-Economic Research Center - Research Interests
- Energy Systems Analysis, Environmental Policy Analysis
- tagasira(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
- Other Affiliations
- The City of Planning Institute of Japan. Japan Society of Civil Engineers. GIS Association of Japan.
Education and Professional Experience
- 2021.7 - present
- as above
- 2019.4
- Deputy Associate Vice President
- 2016.4
- Deputy Director, Socio-economic Research Center
- 2015.4
- Leader, Energy Systems Analysis.
- 2014.4
- Leader, Economic and Social Systems.
- 2010.7
- Senior Research Engineer, Socioeconomic Research Center.
- 1998.5
- Dr. Eng., University of Tokyo.
- 1992.4
- Research Associate, CRIEPI.
- 1992.3
- M.A., Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo.
- 1990.3
- B.A., Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo.
Selected Publications
To download the CRIEPI RESEARCH REPORT, available at : (https://criepi.denken.or.jp/hokokusho/pb/reportSearch)
Main Author:
- An Estimation of Electric Vehicle Load Profiles in Service Areas of Ten Electric Power Companies in Japan, Y13009, 2014.
- Public Attitude toward Vehicle-to-home Systems and Home-use Storage Batteries, Y11021, 2012.
- The European support policies for production of electricity from renewable energy sources: Costs and their shift schemes to consumers, Y08011, 2009.
- A review of overseas policies to support electricity from renewable energy sources: Targets and their rate impacts, Y06012, 2007.
- Residential Customers' Attitudes toward Energy Based Green Power Program Design, Y05016, 2006.
- Effects of Spatial Structure of a City with District Heating and Cooling and Photovoltaic Systems on CO2 Emission Reduction, Y02015, 2003.