Goto, Hisanori
- Current Position
- Senior Research Scientist
- Research Interests
- Electricity market reform, Marketing and innovation in electric power industry, Consumer behavior in energy sector
- hisanori(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
Education and Professional Experience
- 2019.7 -
- Senior Research Scientist, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI.
- 2009.8 - 2019.6
- Research Scientist, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI.
- 2005.4 - 2009.7
- Researcher, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI.
- 2005.3
- M.Eng., The University of Tokyo.
- 2003.3
- B.Eng., The University of Tokyo.
Selected Publications
To download the CRIEPI RESEARCH REPORT, available at : (https://criepi.denken.or.jp/hokokusho/pb/reportSearch)
Main Author:
- Review and analysis of competition in retail electricity market for residential customers - Retail price development and residential customers' behavior after full liberalization -, Y16005, 2017.(in Japanese)
- Criteria for removal of regulated price after liberalization of retail electricity market - Experiences in foreign countries and their reflection to Japan -, Y15019, 2016.(in Japanese)
- Diversification of Electricity Tariffs and Services of Electricity Suppliers after Electricity Retail Market Liberalization- Practices of Energy Suppliers in Great Britain and Germany and Japanese Residential Customers' Preferences -, Y14023, 2015.(in Japanese)
- An Analysis of Competitive Situation in Retail Electricity Market from the Perspective of Industrial and Commercial Customers - Competition through Diversification of Electricity Tariffs and Energy Services -, Y14022, 2015.(in Japanese)
- An Analysis on Residential Customers' Choices between Regulated Tariffs and Market Based Tariffs after Liberalization of Retail Electricity Market, Y13017, 2014.(in Japanese)
- Diversification of Electricity Tariff for Residential Customers in the European Electricity Retail Market, Y12028, 2013.(in Japanese)
- An Analysis on Consumers' Preferences toward Home Solar Power Generation System after the Great East Japan Earthquake - Focusing on Feed-in Tariff and Emergency Use -, Y11029, 2012.(in Japanese)
- Residential Customers' Preferences for Electricity Supply and Demand Measures using Electricity Rate and Smart Meter, Y11016, 2012.(in Japanese)
- Consumers' Preferences toward Low Carbon Energy and Analysis on their Determinants Factors, Y10034, 2011.(in Japanese)
- Importance of Intangible Asset in Corporate Valuation and Japanese Companies' Practices, Y10004, 2010.(in Japanese)
- Customers' Attitude towards Cost Burden and Willingness to Pay for Low Carbon Power in Japan, Y09008, 2010.(in Japanese)
- An Analysis of the Channel and Promotion Strategies of Energy Companies in Household Cooking Heater and Water Heater Sales, Y08042, 2009.(in Japanese)
- Customers'Behavior Concerning Electricity Liberalization and Customers' Energy Management System in Japan, Y08010, 2009.(in Japanese)
- The current status of mutual entrance between electric power and gas companies in the US and EU countries, Y15001, 2015.(in Japanese)
- Residential customers' supplier switching and information searching behavior after electricity retail liberalization in Europe and Japan, Y13008, 2014.(in Japanese)
- Regulated Rates, Residential Choice, and Economic Behavior of Suppliers after Full Liberalization of Electricity Retail Market in Europe, Y12017, 2013.(in Japanese)
- Impacts and Lessons from the Fully Liberalized European Electricity Market -Residential Customer Price, Switching and Services, Y11018, 2012.(in English)
- European Energy Consumer Attitudes and Company Strategies towards the Low Carbon Society, Y10002, 2010.(in English)
- Recent Challenges in the Management of Aging Transmission Facilities in Japanese Electric Power Companies, Y09016, 2010.(in English)
- A Survey on Strategic Investment Planning Routines in Power Transmission Companies in Europe, Y08043, 2009.(in Japanese)
- Electricity Market Reforms in the Nordic Countries - Historical Evolution and Differences in Customer Choice Behavior -, Y08036, 2009.(in English)
- Customer Satisfaction and Preference Analysis of Rates and Services Menu by Electric Power Suppliers in Japan, Y07013, 2008.(in Japanese)
- Overall Evaluation of the Electricity Liberalization System in Japan -Prospect and Issues learning from the Experiences in the US and Europe-, Y05, 2007.(in Japanese)
- Assessment of Electric Retail Competition and Customer Choice of Power Suppliers in the UK, Germany and France, Y06009, 2007.(in Japanese)
- Impact of Supply Reliability and Blackout on Residential and Business Customers of Electric Power Companies in Japan, Y06005, 2007.(in Japanese)
- Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on the Choice of Electric Power Suppliers in Japan, Y05017, 2006.(in Japanese)
Main Author:
- Hisanori Goto, Mika Goto and Toshiyuki Sueyoshi (2011), "Consumer choice on ecologically efficient water heaters: Marketing strategy and policy implications in Japan", Energy Economics, 33(2), 195-208, March 2011.
Conference Presentations
- Hisanori Goto (2014), "An Analysis on Residential Customers' Choice Behaviors of Electricity Tariffs: Focusing on Flat tariffs and Time-of-Use Tariffs", 14th IAEE European Energy Conference.
- Hisanori Goto (2012), "An Empirical Analysis on Impact of Time-of-Use Rate on Household Electricity Saving Behaviour under Power Shortage and Diffusion Potential of Time-of-Use Rate", 12th IAEE European Energy Conference.
- Hisanori Goto and Toshio Ariu (2009), "An Analysis of Residential Customers' Preferences for Household Energy Systems", 10th IAEE European Conference.