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- Yutaka Nagata

Yutaka Nagata
Customer Service Unit, Demand Design Group Leader, Associate Vice President, Ph.D. (Energy Science)
Born in Osaka
Department of Energy Science, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
[Field of reseach] Economic Policy, IoT, Consumer, Energy Conservation
The leader of the demand design research In the 1990s, he joined a team that created an economic and mathematical model to create Japan's energy outlook for 2010, and forecasted energy balance among others. Currently, as leader of the research group aiming to create a “demand design” that will change the demand-side electricity use, he is promoting cooperation with all fields such as economic policy, power distribution, consumers, and IoT.
Development of the Regional Energy Model of Japan (J-REM) Considering the Regional Difference in Energy Usage
Research Report : Y10015 -
The Effectiveness of Technology Options on Large-Scale CO2 Emission Reduction toward 2050 in Japan
Research Report : Y08013 -
An Analysis of Carbon Tax as a Method for the Achievement of Numerical Target – Simulation of the Introduction for Japan and EU Countries –
Research Report : Y04011 -
The Impacts of Decreasing CO2 Emission by Changing Tax System in Japan
Research Report : Y03020 -
Quantitative Analysis of CO2 Emission Reduction by Introducing PEFC Systems in Home
Research Report : Y02016 -
Economic Analysis of Phasing out Nuclear Power Generation
Research Report : Y01016 -
Cost Analysis of the Measures for CO2 Reduction in Japan
Research Report : Y00014