Furusawa, Ken
- Current Position
- Senior Research Engineer
R&D Coordinator, Power System Planning - Research Interests
- Electric power systems, Energy Economics
- k-furu(at)criepi.denken.or.jp *'(at)'should be replaced by @
- Other Affiliations
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan(IEEJ),Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE),International Council on Large Electric Systems(CIGRE)
Education and Professional Experience
- 2007.3
- Ph.D.Engineering, Osaka University
- 2007.4
- Researcher, CRIEPI
- 2015.4 - 2018.3
- Part-time Lecture, Meiji University
- 2017.9 - 2018.8
- Joint Researcher, Bremen Energy Research Working Group of Jacobs University
Selected Publications
To download the CRIEPI RESEARCH REPORT, available at : (https://criepi.denken.or.jp/hokokusho/pb/reportSearch)
Main Author:
- The issues of reviewing of nodal scheme market model about congestion management -The Consideration based on the transition case studies from zonal to nodal scheme market model-, SE21004, 2022.
- The issues of market bidding zone review and redispatching in UK, Germany, Norway and Sweden, Y20006, 2021.
- The issues of local flexibility market in UK and Germany, Y19003, 2020
- Issues of the tariff design of distribution system usage charge in European countries, Y15024, 2016.
- Issues and Trend of German cross-border balancing mechanism, Y14021, 2015.
- Issues of the supply-demand balancing mechanisms in Germany and the U.K., Y13018, 2014.
- Impacts of high penetration of renewable energy generation on wholesale market and operation and investment planning of power system in Germany, Y12009, 2013.
- The proposal of thermal generators operation pattern of multi-area cooperation with consideration of large penetration of wind power generators, Y11025, 2012.
- A survey of evaluation method of supply reliability value of renewable power generation -Capacity value of wind power generation in EU and USA-, Y09030, 2010.
- A Development and Verification of the Evaluation Program for Multi-area Transmission Congestion, Y09001, 2010.
- Economic Issues in Introduction and Operation of Financial Transmission Rights for Cross-Border Electricity Trading in Europe, Y18001, 2019.
- Trends and issues of capacity mechanisms in European countries: Focusing on the proposed capacity market schemes in the UK, France and Germany, Y13013, 2014.
- (*)Recent Challenges in the Management of Aging Transmission Facilities in Japanese Electric Power Companies, Y09016, 2010.(written in English)
- Issues in the Vitalization of Japan Electric Power Exchange - Analyses of Market Data and Surveys of Market Participants Views, Y08015, 2009.
- Development of the evaluation program of transmission congestion cost -Study of cost reduction effects by transmission line reinforcement-, Y07031, 2008.
- Ken Furusawa, K. Sugahara, H. Kibata, S. Kodama, T. Shinji, H. Asano ;"the consideration of novel and flexible network usage in Japan -Attempts to minimize social cost by optimizing network investment consideration generation curtailment-", C5-305, CIGRE 48th Paris session, August, 2020
- Ken Furusawa; "The fundamental evaluation of the methodology of constrained connection for Distributed Generation for procuring flexibility in European countries - lessons for Japan-", 135, 2019 CIGRE Canada conference, September, 2019
- Ken Furusawa, Gert Brunekreeft, and Toru Hattori,"Constrained Connection for Distributed Generation by DSOs in European Countries", No.28, Bremen Energy Working Papers
- C.Brandstatt, G.Brunekreeft, K.Furusawa and T.Hattori, "Distribution planning and pricing in view of increasing shares of intermittent, renewable energy in Germany and Japan",pp8-14 "Challenges and possible solutions in distribution planning", No.20, Bremen Energy Working Papers
- K.Furusawa and K.Okada, "Framework for Evaluating the Generation Cost and Wind Power Generation Capacity Constarained by Operating Reserve", Powercon 2012, 232, Auckland(New Zealand), October, 2012
- K.Furusawa and K.Okada, "The study of operating reserve management corresponding wind power generators in power systems", ICEE 2011, A-0314, HongKong(China), July, 2011
- K.Furusawa and K.Okada, "Evaluation of Transmission Congestion Cost for Multi-area Electric Power Systems", CIGRE 2009 symposium, 133, Guilin(China), October, 2009
- T.Hattori, K.Ofuji, M.Endo and K.Furusawa, "A Questionnaire Survey of Market Participants' Views on Vitalization of the Japan Electric Power Exchange", Conference Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Desciplines, Memphis Tennessee, Oct 22-25, Vol.6, No.3, 513-527
- K.Furusawa, K.Okada and H.Asano, "A Method of Evaluating Transmission Network Expansion Plan Considering Security Constraints and Supply Reliability Index", PSCE2009, 09PSCE0011, Seattle(USA), March, 2009
- September 2020 - , CIGRE C-5 (market and regulation) Joint Working Group C2/C5-06 (The impact of Electricity Market Interventions by System Operators during Emergency Situations) member
- February 2018 - August 2020, CIGRE C-5(market and regulation) Working Group C5-27 (Market Design for Short-Term Flexibility) member
- May 2014, 2014 Asia Oceania Regional Council(AORC) regional council of CIGRE technical committee local member
- November 2014, International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources 2014 (IRED2014) domestic committee
- February 2008 January 2018, CIGRE C-5(market and regulation) domestic committee secretary