【2019年】 |
Fujimichi Y. Otsuka K. Tomita M. Iwasaki T.: An Efficient Intestinal Organoid System of Direct Sorting to Evaluate Stem Cell Competition in Vitro, Scientific Reports, 30 December, 2019
【2018年】 |
Otsuka K., Tomita M., “Concurrent live imaging of DNA double-strand break repair and cell-cycle progression by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in of a tricistronic vector ", Scientific Reports, 23 November, 2018
【2016年】 |
Tomita M., Maeda M., Usami N., Yokoya A., Watanabe R., Kobayashi K., “Enhancement of DNA Double-strand Break Induction and Cell Killing Effect by K-shell Absorption of Phosphorus on Human Cell Lines”, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 92(11), 724-732 (2016)
Otsuka K., Suzuki K., “Differences in radiation dose response between small and large intestinal crypts”, Radiation Research, 186(3), 302-314 (2016)

【2015年】 |
Tomita M., Matsumoto H., Funayama T., Yokota Y., Otsuka K., Maeda M., Kobayashi Y., “Nitric oxide-mediated bystander signal transductions induced by heavy-ion microbeam irradiation”, Life Sciences in Space Research, 6(1), 36-43 (2015)
Otsuka K., Iwasaki T., “Dose-rate Effect on Radiation-induced Turnover of Intestinal Stem Cells Determined by Lgr5 Lineage Tracing”, Journal of Radiation Research, 56(4), 615-622 (2015)
Tomita M., Maeda M., “Mechanisms and Biological Importance of Photon-induced Bystander Responses: Do They Have an Impact on Low Dose Radiation Responses?”, Journal of Radiation Research, 56(2), 205-219 (2015)

【2014年】 |
Nobuyuki Hamada, Yuki Fujimichi, “Classification of radiation effects for dose limitation purposes: history, current situation and future prospects”, Journal of Radiation Research, 55巻4号 629-640 (2014)
Yuki Fujimichi, Nobuyuki Hamada, “Ionizing irradiation not only inactivates clonogenic potential in primary normal human diploid lens epithelial cells but also stimulates cell proliferation in a subset of this population”, PLOS ONE 9(5), e98154 (2014)

【2013年】 |
Nomura T, Sakai K, Ogata H, Magae J, “Prolongation of life span in the accelerated aging klotho mouse model, by low-dose-rate continuous γ irradiation.” Radiation Research 179(6), 717-24(2013) |
Otsuka K, Hamada N, Magae J, Matsumoto H, Hoshi Y, Iwasaki T, “Ionizing radiation leads to the replacement and de novo production of colonic Lgr5(+) stem cells.” Radiation Research 179(6), 637-46(2013)
Tomita M, Maeda M, Kobayashi K, Matsumoto H, “Dose response of soft X-ray-induced bystander cell killing affected by p53 status.” Radiation Research 179(2), 200-7(2013)
藤通有希, 小佐古敏荘, 吉田和生, 浜田信行, “放射線白内障に対するしきい線量の科学的根拠と課題” 保健物理 48(2), 97-103(2013)
藤通有希, 小佐古敏荘, 吉田和生, 浜田信行, “新たな水晶体等価線量限度に関する放射線防護の課題” 保健物理 48(2), 86-96(2013)

【2012年】 |
Hamada N, Ogino H, Fujimichi Y, “Safety regulations of food and water implemented in the first year following the Fukushima nuclear accident.” Journal of Radiation Research 53(5), 641-71,(2012)
Tomita M, Kobayashi K, Maeda M, “Microbeam studies of soft X-ray induced bystander cell killing using microbeam X-ray cell irradiation system at CRIEPI.” Journal of Radiation Research 53(3), 482-8(2012)
Hamada N, Ogino H, “Food safety regulations: what we learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident.” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 111, 83-99(2012)

【2011年】 |
Nomura T, Li XH, Ogata H, Sakai K, Kondo T, Takano Y, Magae J, “Suppressive effects of continuous low-dose-rate γ irradiation on diabetic nephropathy in type II diabetes mellitus model mice.” Radiation Reseach 176(3), 356-65(2011) |
浜田信行, 荻野晴之, “食品中の放射性物質に関する暫定規制値の考え方と放射能濃度から預託線量への換算方法” 放射線生物研究 46(2), 127-39(2011)
Hamada N, Maeda M, Otsuka K, Tomita M, “Signaling pathways underpinning the manifestations of ionizing radiation-induced bystander effects.” Current Molecular Pharmacology 4(2), 79-95(2011)
Iwasaki T, Takashima Y, Suzuki T, Yoshida MA, Hayata I, “The dose response of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes induced in vitro by very low-dose γ rays.” Radiation Research 175(2), 208-13(2011) |

【2010年】 |
Koana T, Tsujimura H, “A U-shaped dose-response relationship between x radiation and sex-linked recessive lethal mutation in male germ cells of Drosophila.” Radiation Research 174(1), 46-51(2010) |
Tomita M, Maeda M, Maezawa H, Usami N, Kobayashi K, ”Bystander Cell Killing in Normal Human Fibroblasts is Indced by Synchrotron X-Ray Microbeams.” Radiat. Res.173,380-385(2010)
Tomita M, “Involvement of DNA-PK and ATM in radiation- and heat-induced DNA damage recognition and apoptotic cell death.” Journal of Radiation Research 51(5), 493-501(2010)
Hamada N, Imaoka T, Masunaga S, Ogata T, Okayasu R, Takahashi A, Kato TA, Kobayashi Y, Ohnishi T, Shimada Y, Teshima T, “Recent advances in the biology of heavy-ion cancer therapy.” Journal of Radiation Research 51(4), 365-83(2010)
Otsuka K, Hirabayashi Y, Tsuboi I, Inoue T, “Regeneration capability of Lin-/c-Kit+/Sca-1+ cells with or without radiation exposure for repopulation of peripheral blood in lethally irradiated mice monitored using Ly5.1 isotype on days 35, 90, and 270 after transplantation.” Experimental Hematology 38(5), 417-25(2010) |

【2009年】 |
K. Ogura, J. Magae, Y. Kawakami & T. Koana, ”Reduction in mutation frequency by a very low dose gamma irradiation of Drosophila melanogaster germ cells.” Radiat. Res. 171,1-8(2009) |
【2008年】 |
T. Iwasaki, N. Robertson, T. Tsigani, P. Finnon, D .Scott, E. Levine, C. Badie, S. Bouffler , ”Lymphocyte telomere length correlates with in vitro radiosensitivity in breast cancer cases but is not predictive of acute normal tissue reactions to radiotherapy.” Int J Radiat Biol V.84(4) :p.277-284 (2008) |
M. Tomita, F. Morohoshi, Y. Matsumoto, K. Otsuka, K. Sakai , ”Role of DNA double-strand break repair genes in cell proliferation under low dose-rate irradiation conditions.” J Radiat Res (Tokyo). V.49(5) :p.557-564 (2008)
【2007年】 |
T. Koana, M. O. Okada, K. Ogura. H. Tsujimura, and K. Sakai, ”Reduction of Background Mutation by Low Dose X Irradiation of Drosophila Spermatocytes at a Low Dose Rate.” Radiat. Res. 167, 217-221 (2007) |
【2006年】 |
K. Ohtsuka, T. Koana, H. Tauchi, K. Sakai,“Activation of antioxidative enzymes induced by low dose-rate whole body gamma-irradiation: adaptive response in terms of initial DNA damage, ” Radiat. Res. 166, 424-478 (2006) |
【2005年】 |
大塚健介「低線量放射線による個体の適応応答」放射線生物研究, 12, (2005). |
【2004年】 |
T. Koana, Y. Takashima, M. O. Okada, M. Ikehata, J. Miyakoshi and K.Sakai, ”A Threshold Exists in the Dose-Response Relationship for Somatic Mutation Frequency Induced by X Irradiation of Drosophila” Radiat. Res. 161, 391-396 (2004)
【2002年~2003年】 |
T. Nomura, K. Yamaoka, K. Sakai,“Elevation of antioxidants in the kidneys of mice by low-dose irradiation and its effect on Fe(3+)-NTA induced kidney,”ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 1236, 481-485(2002)
J. Magae, Y. Hoshi, C. Furukawa, Y. Kawakami, H. Ogata, “Quantative Analysis of Biological Responses to Ionizing Radiation, Including Dose, Irradiation Time, and Dose Rate, ”Radiat. Res., 160, 543-548(2003)